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School Facebook Page

Alfred Lord Tennyson School is continually looking for new and innovative ways to increase communication with our parent community. Following our ‘Electronic Communication Questionnaire’, 92% of respondents had a Facebook account and 94% responded by saying they would use our school Facebook page if we had one set up. Due to these positive responses, Alfred Lord Tennyson School has now created a NEW official Facebook page. This page will be used to share positive events, trips and celebrations with you. We encourage you to positively participate if you wish.

Visit our Facebook page!

In order for this Facebook page to be a success, we are asking for your positive support when using the page. Please ensure you read and follow the ‘Parent code of conduct’, which you can download and/or read below.


  • Photos of students are posted with parental permission. For privacy and protection, please do not tag photos of children and please do not name them in your comments. Tagging of parents or friends within the comment box is permitted, with the understanding that all other rules of engagement are followed.
  • Ensure that your posts are not breaching school security procedures.
  • Photographs, videos or any image of pupils, staff or any member of our school community must not be published on a personal or public web space without prior permission from the school.
  • Refrain from abusive or personal comments about staff, governors, children or other parents.
  • Make certain not to use social media to publicly challenge school policies or discuss issues about individual children or members of staff.
  • Avoid threatening behaviour, such as verbally intimidating staff, or using bad language.
  • We will not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial, political or other ventures.
  • The school administrators regularly monitor the site and will remove comments that do not adhere to our rules of engagement. Comments are also subject to Facebook's Terms of Use and Code of Conduct. Facebook also encourages all users to use the "Report" links when they find abusive/inappropriate content. We take inappropriate use of social media by a parent to publicly humiliate or criticise another parent, member of staff or child very seriously.

Please think before you post!

Parents should address any issues or concerns regarding school life through official school channels rather than posting them on social networking sites. If you have an issue you would like to discuss, please contact a member of school staff through other methods of communication such as the school phone number, school email address or in person.

Nursery and Infant Site

Highfield Road,
NN10 9QD
Telephone: 01933 314161

Junior Site

Alfred Street
NN10 9YS
Tel: 01933 353762

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