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Vision, Ethos, Aims and Values

Our vision is that every child at Alfred Lord Tennyson School will aspire to become -  ‘Ambitious Learners who Thrive and Succeed’ (A.L.T.S)

Alfred Lord Tennyson children will challenge themselves in all aspects of their academic lives and have high ambitions to succeed and ‘be the best they can be’. We will teach them to value learning and to see learning as a process, through developing learner characteristics and viewing mistakes as a path to success. Our ambition is that all our school community is nurtured, valued, and cared for so that they can thrive and go on to succeed in all aspects of their lives.

Ethos and Aims

  • To provide a happy, caring and secure learning environment in which each child and member of staff may develop to their full potential.
  • Ensure all children value the characteristics of R.E.S.P.E.C.T. and become confident and resilient children
  • To ensure all children are ambitious, have a Growth Mind-set and a determination to succeed
  • To enable our children to be good citizens, who make positive contributions to their communities
  • To develop cultural capital to give our children the vital background knowledge required to learn about and understand the world they live in, so they can flourish and reach their potential
  • To ensure children are healthy, safe and have positive well-being
  • To foster, nurture and develop all talents
  • To ensure children are engaged, inquisitive and inspired to learn
  • To ensure our curriculum is broad, balanced, progressive and ambitious for all learners
  • To provide a curriculum that is designed with an understanding of the working memory, making links to learning and building and deepening knowledge and skills through inclusive practice for all learners
  • Work in partnership with parents


Our values form the acronym R.E.S.P.E.C.T. and are devised from 7 core character and learning traits: 


Our values run through everything we do – the way in which we learn, the way in which we behave and the way in which we think. These values also form a core element of our curriculum and are taught explicitly through our assemblies and Curriculum. Our weekly Celebration Assembly and termly ALTS Awards provide the opportunity for the children to be recognised as being exemplary role models of our Values.  

Promoting British Values

At Alfred Lord Tennyson School, we believe it to be an essential part of our duty to prepare our children for life in modern Britain. Children are taught about British Values through PSHE and RE and these are examined and discussed through our delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum, allowing children to develop a secure understanding of these through application to their own lives and those of others. The definition of British Values was set out by the government in the 2011 Prevent Strategy and determined that “schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” British Value are promoted through assemblies, our whole school values system and structures such as our School Council. We recognise that promoting British Values also carries with it a responsibility to challenge pupils, staff or parents who express opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental British values.

We look to provide children will opportunities to gain experience beyond their local community, welcoming a range of visitors into school as well as class visits to promote children’s understanding of British Values outside of their own experience.

For further information about how British Values form part of our curriculum, see our Learning Page

Nursery and Infant Site

Highfield Road,
NN10 9QD
Telephone: 01933 314161

Junior Site

Alfred Street
NN10 9YS
Tel: 01933 353762

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