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KS1 and KS2 Boccia

All You need to Know

                                                                              ALTS Awards

Our ALTS Awards are held at the end of each half term, where children are recognised for showing the ALTS R.E.S.P.E.C.T Values (Reslience, Empathy, Self-awareness, Passion, Excellence, Communication, Team work) . Each teacher selects a member of the class, who has shown a specific value. The red carpet is rolled out and parents are invited to the special celebration. Names are read from a golden envelope and children are presented with a once in a life time award.




                            CLASS DOJO POINTS


Class Dojo

ClassDojo is a behaviour management tool for the classroom that promotes greater focus and encourages children to strive to achieve in many different areas.

Each class has this established as a way of rewarding individual children and groups of children for their hard work and manners. Each child has a profile – complete with their own avatar – to which teachers can assign positive points throughout lessons and throughout the day. Each time the teacher awards a point a distinctive sound plays to alert the class. All heads turn to see who was awarded a point!

What have your children received Dojo points for?

Children are collecting points for self-satisfaction but once they receive 50 Dojo points they will receive a certificate in our Fab Friday assembly. There is also a special cabinet in the main hall, where exciting goodies are presented. The children can trade in their dojo points for items from the cabinet. The more points they receive the more rewards they receive!

Not only are they individual, the children are part of a team (Lions, Panthers, Tigers and Leopards) and each week the total Dojo points from across the school are counted. 4 tokens are awarded to the team with the most points, then 3 tokens for 2nd and so on. At the end of each term the team with the most tokens will receive a special reward.


Every child in the school is assigned to one of our Teams when they join the school. Children collect individual Dojo points and once a week some of the Year 6 children total all the points, to find out which Team has the most points for the week. The Team with the most points is awarded 4 bars on the chart, 2nd place is awarded 3 bars, 3rd place is awarded 2 bars and the team with the least points is awarded 1 bar. The chart is in the main hall and over the term it is added to and announced in our special assembly on a Friday. The Team with the most points at the end of the term receive a special reward.


Fab Friday

Each week the class teachers choose a child who has worked extremely hard, completed some fantastic learning, shown an ALTS value or has just generally been wonderful! During our whole school celebration assembly, these children are awarded with a personalised certificate and we all celebrate their achievements together.

Who will be the next child to receive a certificate?

During these assemblies, we also celebrate any out of school achievements. Please encourage children to bring in certificates, trophies, photos etc of something they have recently achieved outside of school. We look forward to celebrating these with the children.


Attendance Trophy

At Alfred Lord Tennyson, we recognise the importance of attendance. Each week, we review the attendance of each class and share the results with the children.

The class who has the highest attendance average receives the ‘Attendance Trophy’.

At the end of each half term, children who have attended school 95% or above receive an Attendance Sticker. Those with 100% attendance are entered into a prize draw.


Tidy Broom Award

Reading is a high priority for children and staff at Alfred Lord Tennyson. Children are challenged to read as many times as they can each week and record it in their planners. The number of reads for each child is recorded and an average for the class is calculated. Each week, the 'Reading Trophy' is awarded to the class who has the highest reading average for home reading recorded in their planners over the week.

Children also receive 2 Dojo points for reading 7 times and 1 Dojo point for reading 3 or more times.

How many times will your child read in a week?


Tidy Broom Award

To ensure our school always loos organised and tidy, to maintain the best learning environment for the children, we have introduced the ‘Tidy Broom’ award!

Each week, Mrs Munns keeps a record of which area/classroom in the school is the best looked-after. They then receive the 'Tidy Broom Trophy'. This is to acknowledge their care and respect for the school environment.

How is your child going to help respect our school environment?  


Times Tables Rock

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practise. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so.

Children take part in Battle of the Band tournaments each week and certificates are awarded to the most valuable players in each class.

Starting Primary

Moving up to Primary School video

Thinking about smartphones and school:

Transition to the Junior Site

At ALTS we work closely across both sites to ensure consistency and a smooth transition when our children move to the Junior phase of their education at Alfred Street. 

We recognise that moving up from Year 2 is a big step for most children and we aim to provide as many opportunities for all of our Infant children to spend time with our Junior children and to become familiar with the Alfred Street Site. Throughout the school year, our Infant children will visit the Alfred Street site to take part in whole school events such as ALTS Awards, Harvest and Christmas celebrations, and sporting events. In addition, our Year 2 children take part in additional transition activities that are put in to place in the Summer Term, where they will spend time with their new teacher to help them settle and to ensure that they will be happy in their new environment. We also buddy our Year 2 children up with a Year 6 child who will write to them and support them with their transition activities.

Below are some documents that will also support your child with transition to the Junior site.

Moving up to Secondary School

Moving up to Secondary School video

 Please see below for a helpful information for Year 6 pupils and their parents/carers regarding the transition to Year 7.

Our school council provides a meaningful way for pupils to voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them. It is an important and useful way to provide leadership and development opportunities for our pupils.

School council representatives are voted in by their peers to represent their class. They attend School Council meetings and take forward the views of their class. Two of our council members are also part of the Cluster Council who visit The Ferrers Secondary School termly to meet with student councillors from other schools in the Higham and Rushden area. Following this they lead on a project decided by the cluster.

ALTS School Council 2023-2024




Student Ambassadors

Our Student Ambassadors are true role models, setting high standards with regard to behaviour and learning. They lead by example and can be relied upon to uphold the school values and ethos. Our Student Ambassador roles include: promoting sports and fitness, well-being, anti-bullying and conservation of the environment. The Student Ambassadors work with a member of staff in school to promote their cause and lead on projects.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are passionate young people who will stand up to bullying behaviour and believe they can change things for the better. Anti-Bullying Ambassadors believe that bullying behaviour is not acceptable and should not be part of everyday life at school. They support others and are upstanders against bullying behaviour and a support network for their peers.

They are all excited to now further develop their leadership skills, deliver a range of projects and ideas to further enhance our anti-bullying policy and create a culture which promotes kindness, compassion and understanding.

ALTS Anti-Bullying Ambassadors 2023-24



Wellbeing Ambassadors

Our wellbeing Ambassadors work with Mrs Appleby our Senior Mental Health Lead to champion positive mental health and wellbeing across the school. The Ambassadors lead and promote wellbeing throughout school, they drive the message forward and release the stigma around talking about challenging feelings and encourage people to talk. 

Our Wellbeing ambassadors have created their charter for the year, where they will develop their leadership skills in promoting and supporting wellbeing in our school.

Their first project will be planning our mental health and wellbeing week in February, including helping to lead the assembly to launch the week.

ALTS Wellbeing Ambassadors 2023-24


Sports and Fitness Ambassadors

A range of children from Year 6, 5 and 4 have been chosen to be part of the Sports Crew. They have been trained by Northamptonshire Sports Partnership and take responsibility for leading sporting activities for children at lunchtimes in order to help get children active.

Our Sports Ambassadors are building their leadership skills by taking on the following roles:

  • Being the voice for PE and school sport amongst their peers
  • Promoting the positive values of sport.
  • Being role models for PE and sport in school
  • Working to Increase participation and healthy lifestyles for everyone in our school.

Our PE Ambassadors have been carefully chosen and show all of the following qualities. Their role is very important throughout the school.

ALTS Sports and Fitness Ambassadors 2023-24


Eco Ambassadors

Our Eco Ambassadors are responsible for the promotion of looking after the school environment and our role in looking after the world. 

The ambassadors will oversee the need to save energy in the class, will implement (with the support of their peers) ways in which they can reuse or recycle.  They will ensure waste is kept to a minimum and that electricity/water is used wisely. They have an important job in promoting ways to save our world.

ALTS Eco Ambassadors 2023-24



School Clubs throughout the year

We aim to provide a range of extra-curricular activities during lunchtime or after school throughout the school year. These can include art club, language and culture club, crochet, gardening, choir and a range of sporting clubs. Please see below for the calendar. Further details of each club are sent to parents/carers on a termly basis. We aim to provide these at a low cost to our families and our lunch time clubs are free of charge to pupils.

Extra Curricular Clubs– Spring 1 2025










KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club



 KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Craft club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club



KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Languages Clyb


KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

12.30 TT Rockstars & Maths Games

After School

 KS2 Gymnastics


 KS1 Dance


KS2 Table Tennis

KS1 Multi-skills

KS2 Choir

KS2 Basketball


Extra Curricular Clubs– Autumn 2 2024










KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club



 KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Craft club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club



KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Languages Clyb


KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

12.30 TT Rockstars & Maths Games

After School

 KS2 New Age Curling


 KS1 Boccia


KS2 Boccia

KS1 Gymnastics

KS2 Choir

KS2 Dodgeball


Extra Curricular Clubs– Autumn 1 2024










KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club


KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Craft club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Languages Clyb

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

12.30 TT Rockstars 

After School

KS2 Cross Country


KS1 Ball Skills


KS2 Football (Y3&4)


KS1 New Age Kurling

KS2 Choir

KS2 Football (Y5&6)




Extra Curricular Clubs– Summer Term 2










12-1 Sports Activities



 12-1 Sports     Activities

12-1 Crochet

12-1 Sports      Activities

12-1 Language Club

12-1 Sports        Activities


12-1 Sports         Activities

12.30 TT Rockstars 

After School

Athletics  KS2


Athletics KS1

Football KS2 -


Dance and Gym


Football KS2 -



Extra Curricular Clubs– Summer Term 1










12-1 Sports      Activities


 12-1 Sports     Activities

12-1 Crochet

12-1 Sports      Activities

12-1 Language Club

12-1 Sports        Activities

12-1 Sports         Activities

12.30 TT Rockstars 

After School

Athletics  KS2


Athletics KS1


Football KS2 -


Dance and Gym


Football KS2 -


Extra Curricular Clubs – Spring Term 2










12-1 Sports Crew


12-1 Sports Crew

12-1 Crochet  Club

12-1 Sports Crew

12-1 Language Club

12.30 Library Club

12-1 Sports Crew

12-1 Sports Crew

After– School

Dodgeball KS2

Choir (small charge)

Fitness KS1

Basketball Y5/6

Multi Skills  KS1

Gymnastics KS2


Extra Curricular  Clubs – Spring Term 1








KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Crochet

KS1 Library Club 

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Library Club

KS2 Language & Culture Club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club


KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

After school

KS2 Boccia

KS2 Choir

KS1Boccia KS2 Dodgeball KS1Dance Year 5/6 Futsal


Extra Curricular Clubs - Autumn Term 2

Here are the after-school clubs on offer for Autumn Term 2, which will run until the end of the half term.








KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

KS2 Sports Coach Actitivities

KS2 Lunch Social Club

After school

KS2 New Age Curling

KS2 Choir 

KS1 New Age Curling Y3/4 Football KS1 Gymnastics KS2 Multi-skills


Extra Curricular Clubs Information 

We run an Early Morning Club in school every weekday morning.

cerealsEarly Morning Clubs run from 8:30am to 8:45am at both Alfred Street and Tennyson Road sites. They are available free of charge for parents who have younger siblings at either of our sites, to enable them to bring their child to school, where they will be safely looked after before the start of the school day. This provision ensures that neither child is late to schoo. The clubs is also open to those parents that do not have a younger sibling at one of our sites for a charge of £1.00 per child per morning.

Places are limited, therefore bookings will need to be made on our on-line booking system, with payment made via the on-line booking system. If no payment is received for your child/children, then the school reserves the right to withdraw the place(s).

If you would like your child/children to attend, a permission slip will need to be signed. The permission slip may be obtained from the School Office.

If you have any questions or queries concerning this, please contact the School Office directly.

Terms & Conditions


FruitWe run a healthy tuck shop in KS2 at our Alfred Street Site, which takes place every day during morning break times, which is extremely popular with the children. Our Year 6 monitors prepare and sell our produce, offering a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as dried fruit and rice cakes. Our prices range from 5p to 20p an item. If you would like your child to purchase something from our healthy tuck shop, please order this via the App.  We look forward to serving more children with healthy snacks.  


To comply with the Government's Healthy Eating in Schools standards, children are required to bring into school for their snack a healthy option such as fruit, vegetables or other healthy items such as raisins or other dried fruits. We are a nut free school and therefore do not wish to have any products in school that contain nut products. However, some products may contain traces of nuts or been produced in a factory where nut products are processed. These latter two items are permissible in school. 

School Lunches

LunchChildren can bring a packed lunch to eat in school at lunchtime or they can have a pre-ordered hot meal from our dedicated foodservice providers Love Food. Please be aware that we are a "nut free" school: this includes nut products such as Peanut Butter, "Nutella" and snack bars containing nuts. This is to protect children in school with allergies.

Each year group eats their lunch in the hall under supervision.

We are delighted to be able to offer your child a nutritious and balanced hot school meal provided by Love Food. Hot meals must be ordered in advance via the Love Food website

If you receive Income Support your child is entitled to a free school meal.

Free School Meals Application

All pupils are expected to wear school uniform. We feel that it brings pride in the school and aids positive behaviour.

Uniforms featuring the school badge can be purchased online by using the link below.

Visit School Uniform Supplier Website

Alternatively, non-logo uniform, trousers, skirts and polo shirts can be purchased from supermarkets and other clothing retailers. We also have a small stock of second hand uniform avaliable from the school office.

ALT Uniform


Our expectations for school uniform in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) are:

  • Charcoal grey school trousers, formal shorts, formal skirt or pinafore
  • Pale blue polo shirt (plain or with the logo)
  • Red v neck jumper or cardigan (plain or with the logo)
  • Black school shoes (no boots, sandals or trainers)
  • Grey socks or tights
  • Minimal hair accessories—red or neutral colours

Summer Term Optional: Red Gingham Dress

Our expectations for school uniform in Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5, and 6) are:

  • Pale blue shirt with collar to accommodate a tie
  • Charcoal grey school trousers, formal shorts, formal skirt or pinafore
  • Alfred Lord Tennyson School tie
  • Red v neck jumper or cardigan (plain or with the logo)
  • Black school shoes (no boots, sandals or trainers)
  • Grey socks or tights
  • Minimal hair accessories—red or neutral colours

Summer Term Optional: Red Gingham Dress

PE Kit for all year groups:

  • Plain red T-Shirt (with or without the logo)
  • Plain black tracksuit top/jumper for colder months
  • Plain black shorts / tracksuit bottoms/black leggings
  • Trainers

Please note that earrings need to be removed by the parent/carer or child before the PE lesson.

All pupils are expected to wear PE kit for their active lessons and any extra-curricular clubs they attend at school.

KS2 pupils should come to school wearing their PE kit on their designated PE days, unless they are swimming when they will change at the swimming pool. If they are taking part in a sporting after school activity, pupils must bring their PE kit with them in a small named bag. KS1 and Reception pupils should have their PE kit in school daily in a named bag.

It is really helpful if all items of clothing are clearly named.

Please note, earrings are to be taken out for PE lessons.


Swimming for KS2:

Each KS2 year group will have a series of swimming lessons at Freedom Leisure (Splash) at some point throughout the academic year as part of their PE provision. For their swimming lesson they will need:

  • Towel
  • One piece costume OR
  • Trunks not Bermuda shorts

Swimming hat will be provide by the pool each week.

It is really helpful if all items of clothing, including coats, are clearly named.

Please note denim, jeans, leggings, jeggings, hooded sweatshirts, and trainers are not school uniform and should not be worn to school. Trainers may be changed into at playtime.

Thank you for supporting the school by ensuring your child/ren are wearing the appropriate uniform.



When the school day ends , the Class Teacher or member of staff will be on the playground for parents/carers to collect their children from their classes, unless you wish to make alternative arrangements for your child. Children in EYFS and Years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are not permitted to walk home alone. For those children who will be safely collected:

Children will leave the building via their designated exit. We ask that parents/carers wait in the centre of the playground to enable the Class Teacher to bring the children out and line them up.

Please do not take your child/children until the Class Teacher has directed your child/children to go, as it is important that the Class Teacher is aware of each child being collected. We also ask that parents/carers do not try to engage staff members during this time, as it will delay the process for other parents/carers. If you need to speak to a member of staff, please wait until the member of staff has released all of the children or contact the School Office before 4:00pm to arrange to speak to them.

Please note that it is the parent/carer's responsibility to ensure the safety of their children once they have been collected from the Class Teacher.

Children may be collected by a known adult or older sibling. These arrangements must have been agreed with the parent/carers and the School Office notified. Please complete the Home Collection Arrangements form indicating what the usual collection arrangements will be for your child/children.

If there is to be a different arrangement from the usual, and your child/children are to be collected by somebody else, it is the parent/carer’s responsibility to inform the School Office or Class Teacher of the change. If the Class Teacher has not received any such message from the child/children’s parent/carer or the School Office, then the child/children must stay with the Class Teacher until their parent/carer has been contacted to verify any change of arrangements. If any circumstances change for the end of school arrangements, we ask that you notify the School Office immediately so that we can update our records and inform the Class Teacher.

If, for any reason, you are unavoidably delayed, please contact the School Office with an estimated time of arrival. Children will then be taken through to the School Office to wait for collection.

After School Clubs

If children are staying for clubs, the adults in charge of the club will ensure that they are collected by an appropriate adult. Parents/carers must inform the club of the name of the person collecting.

Late Collection/Uncollected children

In the event of a child/children not being collected at the end of the school day/club session the school wishes to cause as little distress as possible to the child/children and to parents/carers. At the same time the school needs to ensure the health and safety of the child/children is not put at risk.

If the pupils are not collected the procedure will be as follows:

  • Attempts will be made to contact the parents/carers at home or work as appropriate.
  • If the above is unsuccessful, attempts will be made to contact the emergency numbers as advised on the Data Collection form. Please ensure that we have a minimum of two contacts on the Data Collection form.
  • Staff will not allow any child to leave school with anyone other than those specified by parents/carers.

If none of the above procedures are successful, Social Services may be contacted.

Your support is vital in ensuring these procedures are effective. Once members of staff become familiar with parents/carers, the process will run efficiently.

 The End of School Day Handover Arrangements form is available on our Home School Agreements section on this page here or from the School Office.

At Alfred Lord Tennyson School, we are committed to providing a full and efficient education to all. For a child to reach their full educational potential, a high level of attendance is essential. Please see below the absence procedures and the School and Local Authority responses to poor attendance.

Why is good attendance important?

Students will:

  • Keep up with work
  • Understand the lessons
  • Get better qualifications
  • Have good friendships
  • Expect to get higher paid jobs and careers

Impact of poor attendance

Students will:

  • Not understand lessons
  • Fall behind with their work
  • Achieve less
  • Get poorer qualifications
  • Lose friends
  • Be more likely to get into criminal activities
  • Cause court action for their parents

How does attendance impact upon attainment?

  • 90% attendance in a year means over 100 lessons have been missed.
  • 90% attendance every year means that one year of schooling is missed.
  • Absent from school means absent from learning

What is considered poor attendance?

Ofsted set a target of achieving 96% attendance. Anything below 90% is classed as persistent absence and is a serious cause for concern.

Attendance Monitoring and Reporting Procedures

We regularly monitor attendance, and when attendance falls below 96% we issue a letter informing parents. If the attendance continues to be of concern, an attendance target is set.

Persistent concerns may result in a referral being made to the Educational Entitlement Service. It is a criminal offence under Section 444 of the 1996 Education Act to fail to secure the regular attendance of a child who is a registered pupil of the school. On conviction, the Magistrates' Court may impose a fine or imprisonment, or both.

Northamptonshire County Council also require us to refer all children who have 5 days (10 sessions) (either consecutive or within a six-week period) of unauthorised absence. The outcome could be a Penalty Notice payable directly to the Local Authority. The Penalty Notice is £60 per parent/carer for each student if paid within 21 days, increasing to £120 if paid after 21 days but within 28 days of issue.

Types of Absence

Each absence is classed as authorised or unauthorised. Absences are coded as authorised where reasons are considered valid and exceptional and unauthorised where no explanation is given, or unacceptable reasons are given.

Authorised Absence

  • Genuine illness resulting in unavoidable absence
  • Religious observance
  • Close family bereavement

Unauthorised Absence

  • Looking after relatives
  • Staying at home for deliveries/workmen
  • Shopping
  • Having a birthday
  • Oversleeping
  • Holidays
  • Days out
  • Parental illness

Government guidelines prevent Head Teachers from granting any leave of absence during term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances (a family holiday during term time does not fall into the category of exceptional circumstances).

Medical/Dental Appointments

Wherever possible, please aim to arrange these outside of school hours. However, we know that this is not always possible. Where children need to attend such appointments, please complete a request for absence form and indicate in advance whether he/she will be returning to school. Medical and dental appointments count as authorised absences, so we ask that, where possible, you bring evidence of the appointment e.g. text confirmation, appointment card/letter.

Procedures to follow if your child is absent from school:

1) Inform the school office on the first day of absence before 9:30am, leaving the child's name, class and reason for absence. This needs to be done every day your child is absent from school.

2) Messages regarding absence may be left on the school's answer phone, sent via ParentAPPS, email or delivered in person.

3) We record all reported absences, so a letter from parents/carers is not required.

4) If we have not heard from a parent/carer by 9:30am as to why their child is absent from school, we will telephone the contact numbers we hold on file until contact is made. If no contact is made, we may carry out a home visit as part of our Safeguarding procedures.

If you have any concerns about your child's attendance, please come in and talk to us. We are always happy to meet with you in person to ensure positive outcomes are achieved.

Please find a list of our Home School Agreements that are currently in place at Alfred Lord Tennyson for all pupils and Parents/Carers.

In the past, messages from school to home have relied heavily upon ‘pupil post’. At Alfred Lord Tennyson School we have developed a range of modern ways to keep you informed. Alfred Lord Tennyson is looking to create an effective partnership with parents/carers by providing an open and communicative environment, forming a positive link between school and home.

We are hoping to provide you with full visibility of your child’s interests, strengths and commitments – as well as information about school events and developments. The following methods are utilised by the school to help create an inclusive community, where information is communicated and exchanged regularly.

Type of Communication


Action for parents/carers to take


This is the school's management information system. Occasionally you may receive an email from us via this portal.

Parents to ensure all contact details, including email, are kept up to date.


Reach more Parents

A free APP, which keeps you updated with information, news, calendar events and contact information. Receive timely updates from school direct to your phone. All letters or communications will be sent to you via this App.

Go to the Apple APP Store or Google Play Store and download the APP. Then select Alfred Lord Tennyson School. Ensure notifications are turned on. This APP is FREE! See notes below.


The school’s Facebook page will be used by the school as a positive method of communicating with you to share events, announcements, guidance and most importantly to celebrate children’s work, achievements and experiences.

Visit and follow Alfred Lord Tennyson School Facebook Page.


Our website is fully up to date with copies of letters to parents that are sent via the ParentAPPS system and information regarding events in school. All statutory information can also be found on our website.

Visit regularly to see the updates.

More information about Reach More Parents

All standard important information, newsletters, ALTS Gazette, Head’s Updates and information about trips and events will be sent via Reach more Parents. We do not send out paper copies of internal information in order to preserve the environment and reduce our printing costs in school.

As standard, this information will only be sent to the First Contact on our school system.

If you have joint parental responsibility and live at different addresses, please ensure that the School Office have BOTH parents contact details, as we have a legal obligation to keep both parents informed of children’s progress. If you have a Court Order issued, please bring the Order into the School Office so that we are able to take a photocopy for our records.

ReachMoreParents allows you to see live updates about your child’s education, meaning you will never miss a moment of your child’s learning Journey.

Receive alerts and keep updated with School News, Trips, Learning Activities, Important Announcements, Key Dates and Events, Attendance Information and much more!

How to log in to ReachMoreParents:

  • By downloading the apponto your smart phone or tablet. You can download ReachMoreParents from the App Store or Google Play.
  • By loggingin via the ReachMoreParentswebsite/portal at:

Please complete the attached form to provide us with details of all adults with parental responsibility, plus any further contact you would like to receive the information via the APP (i.e. partner, grandparent etc.). The School Office will then ‘invite’ other adults indicated on the form to access Reach More Parents.

Paper copies of correspondence will be kept in our Reception area and can also be found on our website. We will use Facebook and Reach More Parents as a way of reminding you about events and to provide non-standard information such as celebrating weekly achievements as they happen and sharing enrichment activities with you (a summary of which will be put in our ALTS Gazette).

If you do not have the facility to access Reach more Parents please speak to the School Office so that arrangements can be made for you to receive the information via other methods.

If you have any issues with setting up Reach more Parents on your phone, please contact the School Office where we will be able to assist you.



To follow

KS1 site : The school gates open at 8.45am with registration at 8.55am. At the end of the school day, pupils will be dismissed at 3.15pm into the school playground. 

KS2 site : The school gates open at 8.45am with registration at 8.55am. At the end of the school day, pupils will be dismissed at 3.35pm into the school playground. 

All children will have a morning break for 15 minutes and one hour for lunch time. Giving a school week of 31.66 hours in KS1 and 33.33 hours in KS2. The difference in timings enables parents to walk to our Junior Site to collect the children after collecting any Infant children. We also offer a free early morning club for siblings at both sites to ease drop off in the morning between the two sites.

Nursery and Infant Site

Highfield Road,
NN10 9QD
Telephone: 01933 314161

Junior Site

Alfred Street
NN10 9YS
Tel: 01933 353762

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